Indiana University Bloomington



Finlay, B.L., Sengelaub, D.R., Berg, A.T., Cairns, S.J. (1980) A neuroethological approach to hamster vision. Behavioral Brain Research, 1:479-496.

Finlay, B.L., Sengelaub, D.R. (1981) Toward a neuroethology of mammalian vision: Ecology and anatomy of rodent visuomotor behavior. Behavioral Brain Research, 3:133-149.

Sengelaub, D.R., Finlay, B.L. (1981) Early removal of one eye reduces normally occurring cell death in the remaining eye. Science, 213:573-574.

Sengelaub, D.R., Finlay, B.L. (1982) Cell death in the mammalian visual system during normal development. I. Retinal ganglion cells. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 204:311-317.

Finlay, B.L., Berg, A.T., Sengelaub, D.R. (1982) Cell death in the mammalian visual system during the normal development. II. Superior colliculus. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 204:318-324.

Sengelaub, D.R., Windrem, M.S., Finlay, B.L. (1983) Increased cell number in the adult hamster retinal ganglion cell layer after early removal of one eye. Experimental Brain Research, 52:269-276.

Sengelaub, D.R., Jacobs, L.F., Finlay, B.L. (1985) Regional differences in normally occurring cell death in the developing hamster lateral geniculate nuclei. Neuroscience Letters, 55:103-108.

Nordeen, E.J., Nordeen, K.W., Sengelaub, D.R., Arnold, A.P. (1985) Androgens prevent normally occurring cell death in a sexually dimorphic spinal nucleus. Science, 229:671-673.

Kurz, E.M., Sengelaub, D.R., Arnold, A.P. (1986) Androgens regulate dendritic length of sexually dimorphic mammalian motoneurons in adulthood. Science, 232:395-398.

Sengelaub, D.R., Dolan, R.P., Finlay, B.L. (1986) Cell generation, death, and retinal growth in the development of the hamster retinal ganglion cell layer. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 246:527-543.

Sengelaub, D.R., Arnold, A.P. (1986) Development and loss of early projections in a sexually dimorphic rat spinal nucleus. The Journal of Neuroscience, 6:1613-1620.

Finlay, B.L., Sengelaub, D.R., Berian, C.A. (1986) Control of cell number in the developing visual system: I. Monocular enucleation. Developmental Brain Research, 28:1-10.

Finlay, B.L., Wikler, K.C., Sengelaub, D.R. (1987) Regressive events in brain development and scenarios for vertebrate brain evolution. Brain, Behavior, and Evolution, 30:102-117.

Kelling, S.T., Sengelaub, D.R., Wikler, K.C., Finlay, B.L. (1989) Differential elasticity of the immature retina: A contribution to the development of the area centralis? Visual Neuroscience, 2:117-120.

Bottjer, S.W., Sengelaub, D.R. (1989) Cell death during development of a forebrain nucleus involved with vocal learning in Zebra Finches. Journal of Neurobiology, 20:609-618.

Sengelaub, D.R., Arnold, A.P. (1989) Hormonal control of neuron number in sexually dimorphic nuclei in the rat spinal cord. I. Testosterone-regulated death in the dorsolateral nucleus (DLN). The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 280:622-629.

Sengelaub, D.R., Jordan, C.L., Kurz, E.M., Arnold, A.P. (1989) Hormonal control of neuron number in sexually dimorphic nuclei in the rat spinal cord. II. Development of the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus in androgen insensitive (Tfm) rats. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 280:630-636.

Sengelaub, D.R., Nordeen, E.J., Nordeen, K.W., Arnold, A.P. (1989) Hormonal control of neuron number in sexually dimorphic nuclei in the rat spinal cord. III. Differential effects of the androgen dihydrotestosterone. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 280:637-644.

Beversdorf, D.Q., Kurz, E.M., Sengelaub, D.R. (1990) Sexual activity and the morphology of steroid-sensitive rat spinal motoneurons. Physiology and Behavior, 47:11-17.

Kurz, E.M., Bowers, C.A., Sengelaub, D.R. (1990) Morphology of rat spinal motoneurons with normal and hormonally altered specificity. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 292:638-656.

Goldstein, L.A., Kurz, E.M., Sengelaub, D.R. (1990) Androgen regulation of dendritic growth and retraction in the development of a sexually dimorphic spinal nucleus. The Journal of Neuroscience, 10:935-946.

Goldstein, L.A., Sengelaub, D.R. (1990) Hormonal control of neuron number in sexually dimorphic nuclei in the rat spinal cord. IV. Masculinization of the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus with testosterone metabolites. Journal of Neurobiology, 21:719-730.

Wellman, C.L., Sengelaub, D.R. (1991) Cortical neuroanatomical correlates of behavioral deficits produced by lesion of the basal forebrain in rats. Behavioral and Neural Biology, 56:1-24.

Kurz, E.M., Brewer, R.G., Sengelaub, D.R. (1991) Hormonally mediated plasticity of motoneuron morphology in the adult rat spinal cord: a cholera toxin-HRP study. Journal of Neurobiology, 22:976-988.

Steinmetz, J.E., Sengelaub, D.R. (1992) Potential CS pathway for classical eyelid conditioning in rabbits: I. Anatomical evidence for direct projections from the pontine nuclei to the cerebellar interpositus nucleus. Behavioral and Neural Biology, 57:103-115.

Goldstein, L.A., Sengelaub, D.R. (1992) Timing and duration of dihydrotestosterone treatment affect the development of motoneuron number and morphology in a sexually dimorphic rat spinal nucleus. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 326:147-157.

Kurz, E.M., Cover, A.R., Sengelaub, D.R. (1992) Testosterone fails to save androgen-sensitive rat motoneurons following early target removal. Developmental Brain Research, 70:181-189.

Gubernick, D.J., Sengelaub, D.R., Kurz, E.M. (1993) A neuroanatomical correlate of paternal and maternal behavior in the biparental California mouse, Peromyscus californicus. Behavioral Neuroscience, 107:94-201.

Goldstein, L.A., Kurz, E.M., Kalkbrenner, A., Sengelaub, D.R. (1993) Changes in dendritic morphology of rat spinal motoneurons during development and after unilateral target deletion. Developmental Brain Research, 73:151-163.

Mills, A.C., Sengelaub, D.R. (1993) Sexually dimorphic neuron number in lumbosacral dorsal root ganglia of the rat: Development and steroid regulation. Journal of Neurobiology, 24:1543-1553.

Goldstein, L.A., Sengelaub, D.R. (1993) Motoneuron morphology in the dorsolateral nucleus (DLN) of the rat spinal cord: Normal development and androgen regulation. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 338:588-600.

Eisthen, H.L., Sengelaub, D.R., Schroeder, D.M., Alberts, J.R. (1994) Anatomy and forebrain projections of the olfactory and vomeronasal organs in axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum). Brain, Behavior, and Evolution, 44:108-124.

Goldstein, L.A., Sengelaub, D.R. (1994) Differential effects of dihydrotestosterone and estrogen on the development of motoneuron morphology in a sexually dimorphic rat spinal nucleus. Journal of Neurobiology, 25:878-892.

Heidenreich, B.A., Trytek, E., Schroeder, D.M., Sengelaub, D.R., Rebec, G.V. (1994) A methodology for determining the patch-matrix compartmental location of extracellular single-unit recordings in the striatum of freely moving rats. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 52:169-174.

Wellman, C.L., Sengelaub, D.R. (1995) Alterations in dendritic morphology of frontal cortical neurons after basal forebrain lesions in adult and aged rats. Brain Research, 669:48-58.

Wellman, C.L., Logue, S.F., Sengelaub, D.R. (1995) Maze learning and morphology of frontal cortex in adult and aged basal forebrain-lesioned rats. Behavioral Neuroscience, 109:837-850.

Goldstein, L.A., Mills, A.C., Sengelaub, D.R. (1996) Motoneuron development after deafferentation: I. Dorsal rhizotomy does not alter the growth of the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB). Developmental Brain Research, 91:11-19.

Hays, T.C., Goldstein, L.A., Mills, A.C., Sengelaub, D.R. (1996) Motoneuron development after deafferentation: II. Dorsal rhizotomy does not block estrogen-supported growth of the dorsolateral nucleus (DLN). Developmental Brain Research, 91:20-28.

Burke, K.A, Widows, M.R., Sengelaub, D.R. (1997) Synergistic effects of testosterone metabolites on the development of motoneuron morphology in a sexually dimorphic rat spinal nucleus. Journal of Neurobiology, 33:1-10.

Muja, N., Mills, A.C., Myers, W.A., Sengelaub, D.R., Garraghty, P.E. (1997) Denervation-induced sprouting of intact peripheral afferents into the cuneate nucleus of adult rats. Brain Research, 769:256-262.

Hamilton, K.S., King, A.P., Sengelaub, D.R., West, M.J. (1997) A brain of her own: A neural correlate of song assessment in a female songbird. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 68:325-332.

Hamilton, K.S., King, A.P., Sengelaub, D.R., West, M.J. (1998) Visual and song nuclei correlate with courtship skills in brown-headed cowbirds. Animal Behaviour, 56:973-982.

Glicksman, M.A., Chiu, A.Y., Dionne, C.A., Harty, M., Kaneko, M., Murakata, C., Oppenheim, R.W., Prevette, D., Sengelaub, D.R., Vaught, J.L., Neff, N.T. (1998) CEP-1347/KT7515 prevents motor neuronal programmed cell death and injury-induced dedifferentiation in vivo. Journal of Neurobiology, 35:361-370.

Isgor, C., Sengelaub, D.R. (1998) Prenatal gonadal steroids affect adult spatial behavior, CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cell morphology in rats. Hormones and Behavior, 34:183-198.

Burke, K.A., Kuwajima, M., Sengelaub, D.R. (1999) Aromatase inhibition reduces dendritic growth in a sexually dimorphic rat spinal nucleus. Journal of Neurobiology, 38:301-312.

Tanzer, L., Sengelaub, D., Jones, K.J. (1999) Estrogen receptor expression in the facial nucleus of adult hamsters: Does axotomy recapitulate development? Journal of Neurobiology, 39:438-446.

Verhovshek, T., Sengelaub, D. (1999) Studying the forest, not the trees: Dendritic morphology in populations of neurons. Kopf Carrier, 51:1-7.

Raouf, S., Van Roo, B., Sengelaub, D. (2000) Adult plasticity in hormone-sensitive motoneuron morphology: Methodological/behavioral confounds. Hormones and Behavior, 38:210-221.

Hebbeler, S.L., Verhovshek, T., Sengelaub, D.R. (2001) Ovariectomy attenuates dendritic growth in hormone-sensitive spinal motoneurons. Journal of Neurobiology, 48:301-314.

Coleman A.M., Sengelaub, D.R. (2002) Electrophysiological assessment of bilateral spinal output in the rat.

Coleman, A.M., Sengelaub, D.R. (2002) Patterns of dye coupling in lumbar motor nuclei of the rat. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 454:34-41.

Freeberg, T.M., West, M.J., King, A.P., Duncan, S.D., Sengelaub, D.R. (2002) Cultures, genes, and neurons at the nexus of female influence on the development of brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) vocal communication. The Journal of Comparative Physiology-A, 188:993-1002.

Hebbeler, S.L., Verhovshek, T., Sengelaub, D.R. (2002) N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor blockade inhibits estrogenic support of dendritic growth in a sexually dimorphic rat spinal nucleus. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 451:142-152.

Park, J.-J., Zup, S.L., Verhovshek, T., Sengelaub, D.R., Forger, N.G. (2002) Castration reduces motoneuron soma size but not dendritic length in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus of wild-type and bcl-2 over- expressing mice. Journal of Neurobiology, 53:403-412.

Fargo, K.N., Foster, A.M., Harty, M.W., Sengelaub, D.R. (2003) Estrogen alters excitability but not morphology of a sexually dimorphic neuromuscular system in adult rats. Journal of Neurobiology, 56:66-77.

Isgor, C., Sengelaub, D. (2003) Effects of neonatal gonadal steroids on adult CA3 pyramidal neuron dendritic morphology and spatial memory in rats. Journal of Neurobiology, 55:179-190.

Hebbeler, S.L., Sengelaub, D.R. (2003) Development of a sexually dimorphic neuromuscular system in male rats after spinal transection: morphologic changes and implications for estrogen sites of action. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 467:80-96.

Yang, L.Y., Verhovshek, T., Sengelaub, D.R. (2004) BDNF and androgen interact in the maintenance of dendritic morphology in a sexually dimorphic rat spinal nucleus. Endocrinology, 145:161-168.

Fargo, K.N., Sengelaub, D.R. (2004a) Testosterone manipulation protects motoneurons from dendritic atrophy after contralateral motoneuron depletion. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 469:96-106.

Foster, A.M., Sengelaub, D.R. (2004a) Hormone sensitivity of muscle activation in a sexually dimorphic neuromuscular system of the rat. Neuroscience Letters, 359:41-44.

Foster, A.M., Sengelaub, D.R. (2004b) Bilateral organization of unilaterally-generated activity in lumbar spinal motoneurons of the rat. Brain Research, 1009:98-109.

Fargo, K.N., Sengelaub, D.R. (2004b) Exogenous testosterone prevents motoneuron atrophy induced by contralateral motoneuron depletion. Journal of Neurobiology, 60:348-359.

Churchill, J.D., Tharp, J.A., Wellman, C.L., Sengelaub, D.R., Garraghty, P.E. (2004) Morphological correlates of injury-induced reorganization in primate somatosensory cortex. BioMed Central: Neuroscience, 5:43.

Goodman, M.R., Garman, E.E., Arnold, L.L., Sengelaub, D.R., Garraghty, P.E. (2005) The effects of estradiol on avoidance learning in ovariectomized adult rats. Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science, 39:192–206.

Verhovshek, T., Wellman, C.L., and Sengelaub, D.R. (2005) NMDA receptor binding declines differentially in three spinal motor nuclei during postnatal development. Neuroscience Letters, 384:122-126.

Lenz, K.M., Sengelaub, D.R. (2006) Maternal licking influences dendritic development of motoneurons in a sexually dimorphic neuromuscular system. Brain Research, 1092:87-99.

Nowacek, A.S., Sengelaub, D.R. (2006) Estrogenic support of motoneuron dendritic growth via the neuromuscular periphery in a sexually dimorphic motor system. Journal of Neurobiology, 66: 962–976.

Freedberg, S., Bowden, R.M., Ewert, M.A., Sengelaub, D.R., Nelson, C.E. (2006) Long-term sex reversal by estradiol in amniotes with heteromorphic sex chromosomes. Biology Letters, 2: 378–381.

Fargo, K.W., Iwema, C.L., Clark-Phelps, M.C., Sengelaub, D.R. (2007) Androgen-mediated plasticity in an aging sexually dimorphic motor system. Hormones and Behavior, 51:20-30

Osborne, M.C., Verhovshek, T., Sengelaub, D.R. (2007) Androgen regulates trkB expression in spinal motoneurons. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 85:303–309.

Fargo, K.N., Sengelaub, D.R. (2007)  Androgenic, but not estrogenic, protection of motoneurons from somal and dendritic atrophy induced by the death of neighboring motoneurons. Developmental Neurobiology, 67:1094–1106.

Lenz, K.M., Graham, M.D., Parada, M., Fleming, A.S., Sengelaub, D.R., Monks, D.A. (2008)  Tactile stimulation during artificial rearing influences adult function and morphology in a sexually dimorphic neuromuscular system.  Developmental Neurobiology, 68: 542–557.

Sengelaub, D.R., Forger, N.G. (2008)  The Spinal Nucleus of the Bulbocavernosus: Firsts in androgen-dependent neural sex differences.  Hormones and Behavior, 53: 596–612.

Miller, B.R., Dorner, J.L., Shou, M., Sari, Y., Barton, S.J., Sengelaub, D.R., Kennedy, R.T., Rebec, G.V. (2008)  Up-regulation of GLT1 expression increases glutamate uptake and attenuates the Huntington’s Disease phenotype in the R6/2 mouse.  Neuroscience, 153:329-337.

Martin-Alguacil, N., Schober, J., Sengelaub, D.R., Pfaff, D., Shelley, D.N. (2008)  Clitoral sexual arousal:  Neuronal tracing study from the clitoris through the spinal tracts.  The Journal of Urology, 180:1241-1248.

Little, C.M., Coons, K.D, Sengelaub, D.R. (2009)  Neuroprotective effects of testosterone on the morphology and function of somatic motoneurons following the death of neighboring motoneurons.  The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 512:359–372.

Rupp, H.A., James, T.W., Ketterson, E.D., Sengelaub, D.R., Janssen, E., Heiman, J.R. (2009a) The role of the anterior cingulate in women’s sexual decision making. Neuroscience Letters, 449:42-47.

Rupp, H.A., James, T.W., Ketterson, E.D., Sengelaub, D.R., Janssen, E., Heiman, J.R. (2009b) Neural activation in women in response to masculinized male faces: Mediation by hormones and psychosexual factors. Evolution and Human Behavior, 30:1-10.

Rupp, H.A., Librach, G.R., Feipel, N.C., Ketterson, E.D., Sengelaub, D.R., Heiman, J.R. (2009)  Partner status influences women’s interest in the opposite-sex.  Human Nature, 20:93-104.

Rupp, H.A., James, T.W., Ketterson, E.D., Sengelaub, D.R., Janssen, E., Heiman, J.R. (2009c)  Neural activation in the orbitofrontal cortex in response to male faces increases during the follicular phase.  Hormones and Behavior, 56:66-72.

Fargo, K.N., Foecking, E.M., Jones, K.J., Sengelaub, D.R. (2009)  Neuroprotective actions of androgens on motoneurons.  Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 30:130-141.

Lenz, K.M., Sengelaub, D.R. (2009)  Maternal care effects on SNB motoneuron development: The mediating role of sensory afferent distribution and activity.  Developmental Neurobiology, 69:603-615.

Fargo, K.N., Foster, A.M., Sengelaub, D.R. (2009)  Neuroprotective effect of testosterone treatment on motoneuron recruitment following the death of nearby motoneurons.  Developmental Neurobiology.  69:825-835.

Wilson, R.E., Coons, K.D., Sengelaub, D.R. (2009)  Neuroprotective effects of testosterone on dendritic morphology following partial motoneuron depletion: Efficacy in female rats.  Neuroscience Letters, 465:123–127.

Verhovshek, T., Cai, Y., Osborne, M.C., Sengelaub, D.R. (2010)  Androgen regulates brain-derived neurotrophic factor in spinal motoneurons and their target musculature.  Endocrinology, 151: 253-261.

Verhovshek, T., Buckley, K.E., Sergent, M.A., Sengelaub, D.R. (2010)  Testosterone metabolites differentially maintain adult morphology in a sexually dimorphic neuromuscular system.  Developmental Neurobiology, 70:206-221.

Lenz, K.M., Sengelaub, D.R. (2010)  Maternal Care Effects on the development of a sexually dimorphic neuromuscular system: The role of spinal oxytocin.  Hormones and Behavior, 58:575–581.

Young, B.W., Sengelaub, D.R., Steinmetz, J.E. (2010)  MK-801 administration during neonatal ethanol withdrawal attenuates interpositus cell loss and juvenile eyeblink conditioning deficits.  Alcohol, 44:359-369.

Verhovshek, T., Sengelaub, D.R. (2010)  Trophic effects of BDNF blockade in an androgen-sensitive neuromuscular system.  Endocrinology, 151:5337-5348.

Huguenard, A.L., Fernando, S.M., Monks, D.A., Sengelaub, D.R. (2011)  Overexpression of androgen receptors in target musculature confers androgen sensitivity to motoneuron dendrites.  Endocrinology. 152:639-650.

Byers, J.S., Huguenard, A.L., Kuruppu, D., Liu, N.-K., Xu, X.-M., Sengelaub, D.R. (2012)  Neuroprotective effects of testosterone on motoneuron and muscle morphology following spinal cord injury.  The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 520:2683–2696.

Rosvall, K.A.,, Bergeon Burns, C.M.,, Barske, J.,,Goodson, J.L.,, Schlinger, B.A.,, Sengelaub, D.R., Ketterson, E.D. (2012)  Neural sensitivity to sex steroids predicts individual differences in aggression: implications for behavioral evolution.  Proceedings of the Royal Society, B., 279:3547–3555.

Rupp, H.A., James, T.W., Ketterson, E.D., Sengelaub, D.R., Ditzen, B., Heiman, J.R. (2013)  Lower sexual interest in postpartum women: relationship to amygdala activation and intranasal oxytocin.  Hormones and Behavior, 63:114-121.

Rudolph, L.M., Sengelaub, D.R. (2013a)  Critical period for estrogen-dependent motoneuron dendrite growth is coincident with ERα expression in target musculature.  Developmental Neurobiology, 73: 72–84.

Verhovshek, T., Rudolph, L.M., Sengelaub, D.R. (2013)  BDNF and androgen interactions in spinal neuromuscular systems.  Neuroscience, 239:103-114.

Verhovshek, T., Sengelaub, D.R. (2013)  Androgen action at the target musculature regulates brain-derived neurotrophic factor protein in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus.  Developmental Neurobiology, 73:587-598.

Farrell, M.R., Sengelaub, D.R., Wellman, C.L. (2013)  Sex differences and chronic stress effects on the neural circuitry underlying fear conditioning and extinction.  Physiology and Behavior, 122:208–215.

Rudolph, L.M., Sengelaub, D.R. (2013b)  Castration-induced upregulation of muscle ERα supports estrogen sensitivity of motoneuron dendrites in a sexually dimorphic neuromuscular system.  Developmental Neurobiology, 73: 921–935.

Rupp, H.A., James, T.W., Ketterson, E.D., Sengelaub, D.R., Ditzen, B., Heiman, J.R. (2014)  Amygdala response to negative images in postpartum versus nulliparous women and intranasal oxytocin.  Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9:48-54.

Thompson, N.J., Sengelaub, D.R., English, A.W. (2014)  Enhancement of peripheral nerve regeneration due to treadmill training and electrical stimulation is dependent on androgen receptor signaling.  Developmental Neurobiology, 74: 531–540.

Liu, N.-K., Byers, J.S., Lam, T., Lu, Q., Sengelaub, D.R., Xu, X.-M. (2014)  Inhibition of cPLA2 has neuroprotective effects on motoneuron and muscle atrophy following spinal cord injury.  Journal of Neurotrauma, doi:10.1089/neu.2014.3690.

Gregory, R., Cheng, H., Rupp, H.A., Sengelaub, D.R., Heiman, J.R. (2015)  Oxytocin increases VTA activation to infant and sexual stimuli in nulliparous and postpartum women.  Hormones and Behavior, 69:82–88.

Deng, L., Ruan, Y., Chen, C., Frye, C., Xiong, W., Jin, X., Jones, K.J., Sengelaub, D., Xu, X.-M. (2016) Characterization of dendritic morphology and neurotransmitter phenotype of thoracic descending propriospinal neurons after complete spinal cord transection and GDNF treatment.  Experimental Neurology, 277:103-114.

Rendon, N.M., Rudolph, L.M., Sengelaub, D.R., Demas, G.E. (2015)  The agonistic adrenal: melatonin elicits female aggression via regulation of adrenal androgens.  Proceedings of the Royal Society, B.

Bittner, G.D., Sengelaub, D.R., Trevino, R.C., Peduzzi, J., Mikesh, M.A., Ghergherehchi, C.L., Schallert, T., Thayer, W.P. (2016)  The curious ability of PEG-fusion technologies to restore lost behaviors after nerve severance.  Journal of Neuroscience Research, 94(3):207-30.

Cai, Y., Chew, C., Muñoz, F., Sengelaub, D.R. (2017)  Neuroprotective effects of testosterone metabolites and dependency on receptor action on the morphology of somatic motoneurons following the death of neighboring motoneurons.  Developmental Neurobiology, 77:691–707.

Lara-García, M., Mayvi Alvarado, M., Cuevas, E., Lara-Garcia, O., Sengelaub, D.R., Pacheco, P. (2017)  Hormonal treatment effects on the cross-sectional area of pubococcygeus muscle fibers after denervation and castration in male rats.  The Anatomical Record, 300:1327–1335.

Bittner, G.D., Sengelaub, D.R., Trevino, R.C., Ghergherehchi, C.L., Mikesh, M. (2017)  Robinson and Madison have published no data on whether polyethylene glycol fusion repair prevents reinnervation accuracy in rat peripheral nerve.  Journal of Neuroscience Research, 95:863–866.

Sengelaub, D.R., Han, Q., Liu, N.-K. Maczuga, M.A., Szalavari, V., Valencia, S.A., Xu, X.-M. (2018)  Protective effects of estradiol and dihydrotestosterone following spinal cord injury.  Journal of Neurotrauma, 35:825–841.

Bittner, G., Sengelaub, D., Ghergherehchi, C. (2018)  Conundrums and confusions regarding how PEG-fusion produces excellent behavioral recovery after peripheral nerve injuries.  Neural Regeneration Research, 13:53-57.

Mikesh, M., Ghergherehchi, C., Hastings, R.L., Ali, A., Rahesh, S., Jagannath, K., Trevino, R., Jackson, D., Sengelaub, D., Bittner, G. (2018)  Polyethylene glycol solutions rapidly restore and maintain axonal continuity, neuromuscular structures and behaviors lost after sciatic nerve transections in female rats.  Journal of Neuroscience Research, 96:1223-1242.

Mikesh, M., Ghergherehchi, C., Jagannath, K., Ali, A., Rahesh, S., Trevino, R., Sengelaub, D., Tucker, H., Jackson, D., Bittner, G. (2018)  Polyethylene glycol treated allografts not tissue matched nor immunosuppressed rapidly repair sciatic nerve gaps, maintain neuromuscular functions, and restore voluntary behaviors in female rats.  Journal of Neuroscience Research, 96:1243-1264.

Sengelaub, D.R., Xu, X.-M. (2018) Protective effects of gonadal hormones on spinal motoneurons following spinal cord injury.  Neural Regeneration Research, 13:971-976.

Wang, Y., Wu, W., Wu, X., Sun, Y., Zhang, Y., Deng, L.-Z., Walker, M.J., Qu, W., Chen, C., Liu, N.-K., Dai, H., Shields, L.B.E., Shields, C.B., Sengelaub, D.R., Smith, G.M., Xu, X.-M. (2018)  Remodeling of lumbar motor circuitry remote to a thoracic spinal cord injury promotes locomotor recovery.  eLife 2018;7:e3901 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.39016.

Chew, C., Kiley, B.J., Sengelaub, D.R. (2019)  Neuroprotective effects on the morphology of somatic motoneurons following the death of neighboring motoneurons: A role for microglia?  Developmental Neurobiology, 79:131–154.

Ghergherehchi, C.L., Mikesh, M., Sengelaub, D.R., Jackson, D.M., Smith, T., Nguyen, J., Bittner, G.D. (2019)  Polyethylene glycol (PEG) and other bioactive solutions with neurorrhaphy for rapid and dramatic repair of peripheral nerve lesions by PEG-fusion.  Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 314:1-12.

Chew, C. Sengelaub, D.R. (2019)  Neuroprotective effects of exercise on the morphology of somatic motoneurons following the death of neighboring motoneurons.  Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 33:656-667.

Bollinger, J.L., Salinas, I., Fender, E., Sengelaub, D.R., Wellman, C.L. (2019)  Gonadal hormones differentially regulate sex specific stress effects on glia in medial prefrontal cortex.  Journal of Neuroendocrinology, e12762.  https ://


Ghergherehchi, C.L., Hibbard, E.A., Mikesh,M., Bittner, G.D, Sengelaub, D.R. (2019) Behavioral recovery and spinal motoneuron remodeling after polyethylene glycol fusion repair of singly cut and ablated sciatic nerves.  PLoS One, 14(10):e0223443.

Chew, C., Sengelaub, D.R. (2019) Exercise promotes recovery after motoneuron injury via hormonal mechanisms.  In press, Neural Regeneration Research.